is it CHEAPER to BUILD your own FURNITURE (diy style) or to BUY from a STORE #woodworking
In this video, I’m asking a question… is it cheaper to DIY your own furniture or to buy from a store?
I’m going to break down how much this table cost me to build and how much a similar table and size was going to cost from a furniture store.
#furniture #woodworking #diy
Dovetail Template ⬇️
0:20 if size mattered, you wouldn’t have a wife.
How much was the equipment you used? Are there cost-effective alternatives?
So beautiful! The wife is lucky to have ya!
$5K is an insane price! Your table looks great, and I hope you get a nice little bit business making more of them
No DIY, just figure out cost of materials and how you are going to make the furniture. Effort does take some time, especially if doing by yourself. Sometimes, takes two people to make furniture. However, in the long run you find cost is cheaper to make yourself. You also will feel proud knowing you achieved this and appreciate things more.
$5,000!?! 😂😂😂
Someone would be dumb enough to pay 5k for that table ?????
burn and brush, near same and more natural color (without stain). and better finish.
I thought it was 2 x 8s
What color of paint did you use. Is it flat ?
I absolutely love your commentary. You also built a very nice table. I have built my wife and kids many wood projects, and carpentry is a hobby I will grow and carry with me all my life. I may even try and turn it into a business on the weekend hours.
If size matters why didn’t you use 2x10s?
I’m just here to see comments about all the tools he has…
Any tips for those who don’t have the super fancy machines.
I’ve seen these tables all over the internet for $500-$1000. I’ve NEVER seen one for “$5k”
I have a question: could the two end legs of the table be made by making a sturdy box (like a fake beam) rather than sandwiching, glueing, cutting and planing all that lumber together?
I made it by myself. I used woodprix woodworking plans for that.
Nice, very nice. I am going to build a bench with the same kind of dovetail joinery.
This is really cool.
It’s better to make your own furniture…but i can make that with tools worth under 5k. U don’t need some expensive tools to make good furniture.. Japanese furniture sre expensive most made usind hand tools… copying same.😊
$110 in materials . . . $60,000 in tools . . .
That is brilliant, I will definitely have to have a go trying to make this, but shorter. Thank for sharing.
That wood miller ain’t cheap
Man, this guy is so unlikable. It’s like a kid talking about adult issues. Yea, that isn’t a regular table, you know she wasn’t getting that from a regular furniture store. And you know why car payments are expensive? Because you want a new truck, maybe save up for a down payment.
What stain/paint combination did you use for this piece?
It looks great! But I imagine the cost would go up significantly for someone who wasn’t a carpenter and didn’t have all that equipment.
Most don’t have a full functioning wood shop
I have to build instead of buy. What my wife wants, i cannot afford, what I can afford, she doesn’t want.
This dude is shopping for a 5k table.. Tables aren’t 5k at the margin.
Cheaper to build your own or find used furniture to fix. Furniture stores overprice furniture other people made and didnt see the money. Yes, furniture in stores was either stolen or from empty homes. Also, vehicle parts can be replaced a bit at a time, saving you money in the long run.
Initially? Absolutely not. Talking 1000s of dollars invested in carpenters tools. Time spent learning to use them etc. Long term maybe if ya plan on selling your creations to cover the 1000s spent acquiring tools.
Not bad on the price of wood. However, your equipment is not exactly budget friendly and goes beyond what your typical do it yourselfer has. That planer looks pricey.
A car payment over $1000 a month? Heck, I’m cringing at the idea of some of the $600 to $700 per month payments for new vehicles that are under $56,000.
The cost to buy a car is almost a second mortgage payment per month. Sure, it’s only for 60 months, but that is going to be a long 60 months, I can tell ya.
You make learning so easy and fun. Subscribed!❤
For all who asked about what stain and paint used. Looks like minwax dark walnut or Jacobean stain and valspar ultra interior flat paint and he made the color. Not sure if it’s thinned or not.
Yall complaining about the tools. You could do this with a chisel, few clamps, a planer and a handsaw. He has the tools bc its his JOB
I love your piece of furniture. It is beautiful. Yes I would DIY it if I knew how to do it. I am not a carpenter. The only thing I’ve ever built is a garden bed that took me 2 1/2 days to build because I kept cutting the pieces wrong.
I saw you had the dark stain on there and then the next picture it was all gone and faded. What did you do to make that happen? Did you stand the old stain off and then it came out looking real weathered?
I only have the sliding miter saw, not your $100k of planers, jointers, routers, bandsaws or even a jigsaw. I do have 2 clamps and some glue…. So no, would not DIY it as you did. Also have not the space without using my yard as a workbench.
Can you please provide measurements?
I’m just the working class.
(standing in $40,000 wood shop)
Why are you having to push the wood through your planer? Are your feed rollers toast?
You sure have a nice shop. I’d take that before the new truck.
קרא את ישעיהו 53, תהילים 16 ו-22. לאחר מכן קרא את מתי 27. המשיח כבר הגיע בפעם הראשונה והוא הדרך היחידה לאלוהי אברהם, יצחק ויעקב (יוחנן 14:6). 10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? 11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. 12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. 14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (The Great I AM, YHVH, El Shaddai, Adonai, God of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham). John 3:10-18
Who cares. We make things cause we like making things and they are better than anything you can buy
Dont realy think it’s inflation it’s probably gread
It’s cheaper to build. It’s much stronger too. Plus over the years you get to save up for the power tools based on the savings you make. And you can customize your build based on the space like built in bookshelves. The only plus in buying is the time factor/convenience.
Nice work. I will try to build one and add some rusted bolts for the show and also to take apart in case of moving and maybe I will add USB ports. I know that will destroy the rusted look but I will have the USB ports hidden behind a small access panel made from the same wood. P.S. Your wife must love RH stores. I only visit RH stores for inspiration.
If your wife wants to spend $5000 on three old bits of wood that someone claims is a "table" ….kick her out of the house and get a divorce.
Does size matter😂😂😂
buying local wood and tools vs buying china made furniture?…
Would this be an easy enough project for a beginner?