Beginner Woodworking and Carpentry Terminology Part 1

Beginner Woodworking and Carpentry Terminology Part 1

Because you asked… today’s video is on woodworking terminology… absolute basics. We are going to quickly roll through the list of both woodworking and carpentry terminology, plus I’ll intertwine some tools in as well to make the terminology easier to understand. If you are new or need to catch up on the basics, today’s terminology video is for you!

0:00 INTRO
11:55 OUTRO

Amazon Affiliate Links to Tools I Like and Use (THANK YOU for supporting THA!)

Panel carrier:
Circular Saw Track w/Rip Cut:
Straight edge clamp:

Combination Square:
Kreg Jig:
Speed Square:
End Cutting Pliers (they don’t sell mine anymore):
Estwing Hammer:
Chisel Set:
Nail Set:
Pry Bar Scraper (better then mine):
Tape Measure:
15-Inch Utility Pry Bar:
Level Set:

Drill Combo Set:
Porter Cable Belt Sander:
Circular Saw:
D-Handle Router:
Small Router:
Plunge Router:
Follow me on:

My name is Josh Fedorka, and I’m the founder of Training Hands Academy™. I have been a carpenter and woodworker for over 25 years. I have also held certifications in home energy auditing and have built several LEED certified homes in New England.

#woodworking #terminology #beginner

God has gifted me with many “hands on” skills and it is my calling and purpose to share those skills by teaching others. Whether it is to seek a career in carpentry, become a general contractor or improve one’s DIY skills and knowledge, the motivation behind THA is to help others successfully learn how to work with their hands.


  1. That Hitachi miter saw in the background is the best miter saw hands down. Our brand new Milwaukee miter saw already cuts out of square after only a month of use. And in the other hand our Hitachi has never needed anything from day one.

  2. I am 19 and planning to build my own house in the future, where I plan to do most of the INTELLECTUAL and MANUAL LABOUR work with my brother.

    These videos really help me in giving me a strong foundation. THANKS.

    One question, could I achieve my objectives without going to collegue. Because I am doing Computer Science at the moment.

  3. I decided to go to trade school for carpentry, but I have no experience… I hope with this video I won’t completely embarrass myself lol

  4. I love this. I didn’t think I would like woodworking, but the quality of the video made it so easy to listen and understand!! thanks for putting out, a well explained, to the point video!! I think this just started my woodworking journey!!

  5. Incredibly informational, I always loved carpentry after taking my high-school construction class, I’m hopefully going to take a course at my skilled trades college and learn more about it. I just wanna be able to fix things in my own house

  6. Perfect 🥰 this actually got me excited I’m signing up for carpentry classes for next month thanks nice video

  7. Hi, wow, I can’t say thank you enough for these training videos!! As a disabled, senior recently widowed woman, I am having to learn how to do all repairs and everything else by myself. I have no one to teach me either. So, these videos are going to help me repair things like my bathroom floor that is falling in, my roof that is seriously leaking in my dining room along with the damage it has caused to the ceiling. My 5 acres of property and my home need a lot of repairs and work that I can’t afford, therefore I have to figure out how to do everything myself. My husband was trying before he was killed, but, as a Vietnam Veteran, agent orange had left him with a lot of problems and he couldn’t do what he needed. So, again, many thanks!!

  8. I want to learn carpentry in my home. Or at any workshop?can I do that too? I’m so excited,I am 20y/o girl from India. In life we are so busy we could not have time for extra hobbies, busy in studying to build their career we people,most college going students,get exhausted after coming home/hostel/room. I don’t know about others but this skill is very amazing and attractive to my perspective, a lot of hardworking but results are definitely worth it.

  9. As a beginner who has low funds to spend on things like classes: Thank you so much sir! This was very helpful! 🙂

  10. You Are Amazing Teacher..
    I’ll learn carpentry from you.
    Although i hav Same Background..but the way you teachs.. superb.❤

  11. PERFECT video! Content, scripting, pace, audio, videography – awesome!
    No BS, no annoying/loud/obnoxious/interfering "music".
    Bushels of thanks!

  12. Thank you you have really helped me out here always wanted to learn carpentry and with your videos I believe I can 🫡🫡🫡🫡

  13. I’ve noticed that there are lots of women watching this channel. Women, you are not headed in the right direction. Watch videos on "how to be feminine" and "how to be ladylike." Watch _It’s a Wonderful Life_ and observe Donna Reed’s behavior. She wasn’t wearing a toolbelt and a hard hat. She was a representation of how women used to be. Watch videos about how women behaved before they became disillusioned in the 60s. Do not watch videos that fill your mind with the masculine thought process because that will make you less feminine. You do not want that to happen. If you imitate men, you will become completely unattractive to real men. That’s not what you were born to do. In case you didn’t know, the life plan women are being raised to adopt today is wrong. It’s the product of a world that deliberately decided to act against nature in the middle of the 20th century and it is not making this nation stronger, it’s making it weaker by the year.
    Love your femininity and work to preserve it.

  14. I have a lot of tools – but no workspace. I live in a two-story "townhouse", with all the rooms occupied. I’ve no garage or cellar, and during much of the time here in south Florida, it’s too hot/humid/mosquito-annoying to use my workbench in my patio. Many of my tools are hand-me-downs from dad and grandpa, which I treasure. No tools of mine are loaned out because I’ve learned that they come back dirty/broken/misused. I treasure my tools and treat them with respect so that they will always be ready to work properly for me. No tool is put down without something like an Amazon plastic bag underrneath it, to protect it and keep it clean,
    AND – just yesterday I received a FLEX brand combo Oscillating-Multitool for which I hope to have many uses in my endeavor to make occasional household repairs.

  15. This is the best informational video I’ve ever seen on you tube. I’m gonna watch this series and take.notes, this guy knows his stuff!

  16. *Our beginners handheld routers course is now live! Check out the online course here —> ***

  17. So good ❤️
    I got a question.My son want to be a carpenter.He just at last year in high school.What do you recommend him to do ?Where to go ? collage or stay in six form to get a level.And if go to collage how is it works !School doesn’t say anything.And I’m going crazy.So do I have to find a good carpenter for him first ?Than the carpenter will help him to chose a collage or go to collage and than fin a carpenter to be a apprentice?I don’t know nothing. Please help me out how is this working ?He want to be a high level carpenter,he loves it since he was a little kid .Thank you for your time ❤️

  18. Dude I’m way behind on alot of things in life but with this video I feel like I’m getting finaly somewhere, thank you man.

  19. i’m in 5th grade and i wanna be a carpenter so i’m watching your videos It’s entertaining!

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