1. Awesome work table, i never thought to run the legs through and into the top. Great idea, want to make one👍

  2. Random point: I watch a lot of woodworking videos and it’s rare that a girl pops up, but when they do, they make it their looks more than the woodworking/ construction. Thank you for being a decent human

  3. Дерево переводят! Bad people. Нет бы горизонтально доски положить. Давайте все деревья вырубим и задохнемся.

  4. If you think this will wobble build it with the legs moved two spaces toward the outside. Alsoe add more 2×4s to the top.

  5. I’m doing this exact thing soon for my new indoor workshop!! Very excited to have my first indoor workspace my shop has always been outside any how why didn’t you joint the boards not that it matters at all really lol 😂 looks great and I’m sure it’s sturdy as they come!! Hope all is good and getting better!!

  6. Great stuff but I would have chosen some cross members for extra support in the directions where force is usually applied. Also, maybe making the legs tenon and mortice and thicker would be better. Still, very nice.

  7. Squaring up those top 2x4s in the planer goes a long way in making sure there aren’t gaps in the top when you glue it up, but you can always do a router sled. You’re going to want a flat top.

  8. I feel like it kinda defeats the whole purpose of building a sturdy workbench with such a thick top if you end up just using pocket holes and screws to put it together. Pocket hole joinery is not great for strength. Nor are screws in general. If all it’s gonna be used for is to put a planer then a much thinner top with screws might do. But that top deserves at least a vice and dogs with some mortise and tenon joinery.

  9. Интересная идея с вклейкой ножек в стол, единственное, не понятно почему сразу ножки в струбцины не зажали. Clever girl!

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