Cabinets are expensive. Do this instead.

Cabinets are expensive. Do this instead.

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00:00 the game plan
00:57 making base cabinets
04:00 I hate moving boxes
07:08 how to get accurate measurements
08:54 how a hack makes counter tops
09:54 PRO TIPS
11:40 WW2, 32, & your mom’s house
13:30 how to scribe face frames (a yt master class in 90 sec)
15:30 I hate painting
16:23 the resistance
18:30 asmr for the trolls. go back under the bridge. please. you’re welcome
20:08 installing trim and leds
22:59 how the pros make doors
25:32 it is finished


  1. As someone who puts videos on while working a desk job, the music is great and the voiceovers are wanted! I’m an avid maker (crafting, sewing, woodworking, home improvement, etc.) and I can pick up on a lot of good tips and tools for later.

    Plus, every time I come across those "shop sounds only" videos, there’ not tutorials or helpful hits, it’s pure ASMR from people whose shops are more expensive than my house. Not a fan, I much prefer somebody who is using accessible tools in a basic shop and doing amazing things!

    I have a corner TV console project I’m going to start on next month, some of this tips will come in quite handy!

  2. i love when people tell me to don’t spend 12k in cabinets, then proceed to create cabinets from scratch with 10k tools 🙂

  3. I like how he asked for quotes from professionals just to show them in the video, never intending to actually use them

  4. Sir, I am from the Philippines. I love your work. For me, you are a professional! May I ask, what do you call that foam or material under the plywood you are working on? Thank you.

  5. I’m definitely a hack when it comes to DIY, but the Project Manager has decreed we do something like this later in the year, so… new tools! Thanks for the video.

  6. Wow, the non stop advise, tricks, recommendations that take all the guesswork out of woodworking are so refreshing! I’ve built many cabinets for extremely cheap that turned out gorgeous but I never knew about prefinished ply.. brilliant! And I only like ply from a real supplier! The paper veneer on ply from the big stores now is so thin it sands off instantly!

  7. Your banter is clean, witty AND does not take away from the information sharing (gathering for us) because you keep the visual learning going – fantastic job from me!!!

  8. Yeah, lets purchase a shitton of tools, spend a heap of time learning how to do it – then another eternity actually doing the job – and the result is sub par cause it’s literally the first time you’re doing it…

    Come on dude.

  9. As a fellow hack F…

    It’ll ride 😊❤

    And yeah I’d blame the Swedes for blowing the budget… the sprayer and laser tape were mandatory

  10. the calculation of cost for a project for price has always seemed kinda silly. paying someone to do a job because you calculated that doing it yourself would cost more inherently assumes you would make that money if you didnt do it yourself. most people cant just work more to make money they have a somewhat fixed wage.

  11. I know nothing about woodworking and avidly watched this video. I died laughing when you cut the board in half after the explanation. Your cabinets are beautiful!

  12. Bruv you are suggesting us to do this instead of buying from company whereas we don’t have table saw, circular saw, nail gun, sander and all the minimal tools lying in our garage. 😂

  13. No, pros don’t hate what you’re doing or your video, or even the fact that you’re prostituting yourself to BetterHelp, which leaks personal information like a rusty bucket. No, they hate the fact that you feel you have to click-bait by saying "The pros hate this."

    Stop it. Do better.

  14. I subscribed to your channel because of your artistic and sarcastic ways. Almost unsubscribed when you shut up. Thankfully you spoke again. 😁

  15. what a hack, telling those who work with their minds to rest with their hands! how about you have a taste of your own medicine and give us some more woodworking hacks while your at it?

  16. My Watch Later list is out of control so I started watching this video so I could easily find it in my history someday. But here I am commenting “hack.” Those built-ins are beautiful! I need one more cabinet to complete my kitchen and I am loathe to shell out the $900 to get it. I have a spare cabinet door…

  17. This is beyond the scope of my skills and thanks for the video. I really dislike the asymmetry of the final result. It’s too close to mirroring and hence looks "off". Maybe painting the rightest shelf in white or the left in another color would take care of that. Or you like it this way and I’m just a wrong…

  18. you had me at 18:39… (goes silent to placate commenters request) You are hilarious. Amazing work, amazing videos!

  19. I love your humor lol. Also funny that every "do it cheaper" project video starts in a workshop full of expensive professional tools XD. Thanks for the ideas.

    Also, Hack.

  20. My wife died last year, and after 30+ years of working on computers as an animator, I’m buying some land, getting a pre-fab to live in and a bunch of tools and Then I’m going to work with my hands and devlop some tiny homes on my own land. Making things is one of the best forms of mental health self-care. And climbing. And drumming.

  21. My one gripe with this is the cord you used for the lights. For LED lights you really could’ve gone with a thinner wire running up, which you could’ve hid behind the front face on the far left of the cabinet to make it truly invisible.
    Other than that, what a phenomenal project.

  22. 17:42 – Use a clearance hole on the board where the screw head is, that’ll let the screw pull the other board tight

  23. I create my own dado stacks just by putting 3 blades of similar diameter together. Works like a charm and never had any problems.

  24. Redundant background music is just noise. For some of us with hearing issues it makes voice extremely difficult to perceive, and just stops us from watching. Some of my favourite channels have just the crisp, real world sounds and some quiet moments.


    With his fantastic projects, awesome video work, great sense of humor… disgusting.

    Also, what a liar… not a pro, huh? You think us true hacks can’t see how comfortable you are in that tool belt? Get real.

    …looking forward to more.

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