Custom Oak Bedside Tables (complete build)

Custom Oak Bedside Tables (complete build)

Welcome to Alpine Woodworks, Switzerland!
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In this video I make a pair of oak bedside tables, from rough lumber to finished product. The process includes beautiful bow tie inlays to stabilize some cracks in the wood, and hand rubbed Danish oil finish.

Alpine Woodworks, Jose Suarez
Editing, Camera: Jannis Galatsanos


Song: Every Little Thing
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0

Song: Amber
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link:–M3U | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0

Song: Sonhe
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0

Song: #4
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0

Song: Soothe
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0

Song: Summer
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0

Song: 17:24 Mike Cavanagh – Little Troll’s Dance

#woodworking #furnituremaking #wood #woodwork #basel #switzerland #asmr #woodworker #bedsidetable #bedroomdesign #furniture #customfurniture #smallbusiness #calm #calming #notalking #notalkingasmr #holz #holzwerkstatt #holzwerken #holzbearbeitung


  1. Brilliantly done video really romanticises the craft of woodworking. Well done to you and your videographer. Thank you for sharing. 👏👍

  2. Beautiful work, but why not cut shorter out side already… Instead of struggling to get large slabs upstairs? 😉

  3. I enjoyed your Video. It is well made, good music (even though I prefer no music). But besides what people wrote regarding taking wood movement and whatnot into account… man, please take safety more serious. In minute 7, when you was on the jointer, there was no shield above the exposed blade, when your hand and your pullover only were a few cm away, right? And then it is actually also a no go to wear gloves on rotating machines like saws. Cheers, René

  4. The way this business is run is crazy, and probably not even legal here in the U.S. according to OSHA………. But, I’ve never seen better craftsmanship. Beautiful in a word…..

  5. Put the safety gaurd back on the planer if I was you.. you were very close to it and all it takes is one slip and you won’t get new fingers or a hand in the local hardware shop especially at around 6.30 mark you nearly forgot where your hand was..

  6. Nice to c that you didn’t cut the tedious parts of your video.
    It reveals how most skilled woodworkers struggle to achieve a satisfying piece

  7. This is a proper video. I wish there were hundreds more like this, showing true craftsmanship, passion, art. The beauty of the build. This is what we need more of.

  8. Wegen dem Kamin wäre sinnvoll dein Sägemehl zu Pellets zu verarbeiten und dann zu verheizen. Ich hinterlasse dir einen interessanten link über einen sehr begabten Schreiner der eine diy Pellets Maschine gebaut hat.
    Liebe Grüße und bleib gesund. P.S. Gute Arbeit geleistet 🙂👍

  9. Nice video Jose, looking forward to more in the future. What kind of wood stove is that? Beautiful, I’d love to get one for my shop

  10. Also beim Abrichten an der Hammer wurde mir richtig kalt als ich Deine Finger über der Messerwelle sah.
    Muss jeder selber wissen.
    Hab mal ein Abo da gelassen 😉

  11. Do you not anticipate seasonal movement creating a problem with the cross grain runners? Here in Southern California wood never moves but I still feel compelled to make allowances in my construction technique.

  12. It’s a very nice design and beautiful video, but don’t you need to be concerned about pegging and gluing the drawer runners across the grain of table sides? The sides won’t be able expand and contract seasonally, so won’t something have to give?

  13. I am from Denmark, and I saw you make the finissh with Danish Oil. Never heard of it! Maybe you can tell me: What are the ingriedients? 🙂

  14. Stupid. Why do people make you tube videos with no talking? But give dumb subtitles like “sawing.” I had no idea when you were running a saw through a slab it’s called sawing. Thanks for the incredibly useful information.

  15. Hallo! Super gemacht! Wann kommen die nächsten Videos? Mein kleiner Sohn fragt mich immer und wir freuen uns schon sehr darauf. Beste Grüße

  16. Hallo Jose, eines der schönsten Videos aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum…ganz mein Stil. Kein Gelaber, sondern Werkstattsound und entspannte Musi im Hintergrund. Klasse und merci dafür. Wie ich deiner Homepage entnehme gibts euch seit 2021?? Dann seid ihr noch ganz jung dabei. Ich wünsche euch viel Erfolg und freue mich auf neue Videos dieser Art. Sehe ich das richtig, dass eure FKS eine SC3 ist? Wie seid ihr damit zufrieden? Viele Grüße von einem Schreiner Kollegen aus dem Stuttgarter Schwabenländle.

  17. Nice video. Really enjoyed watching this. There were a few things about the build I would have done differently myself but it’s a nice piece nonetheless. Someone will enjoy it! Like some other commenters have suggested the mitred drawers may not last…but I dunno. I would have probably added splines for reinforcement and a little flair fwiw

  18. Точная и чёткая работа-Респект!! И музыка прекрасно подобрана и главное не громко! Можно было ещё тише.

  19. Danke fürs Video. Viel ist so ähnlich… Vom Kaffee trinken am Morgen bis zum Holzbrennen im Ofen. Ich glaube, dass wir einen meist romantischen Job haben. Grüße aus der Ukraine!

  20. Just came across your video on YouTube, 5 minutes in I hit the like and subscribe buttons. Great content and oh by the way Katz-Moses woodworking vest, they are great aren’t they. Got mine a year ago and love it.

  21. здоровой и интересно смотреть когда работает кто то другой, и смотреть чужие подходы к работе, но как же было очково смотреть когда он работал на фуганке, я уже подумал что это видео про премию дарвина

  22. I make my living as a Machinist so woodworking is the art I wished I would have mastered. I consider woodworkers like machinists, same precision different material. I subscribed because of the music and the cool furniture.

  23. hello young master, I accompanied your dedicated work from beginning to end, I am not a carpenter, but I know how complex it is to do any work with fine precision in the different hardwoods or others, I am 81 years old and I really admired how you conduct your ART with dedication . So thank you for this CLASS 👏👏👏👏

  24. this has to be the most stupid and dangerous way to use a jointer and a sliding table saw! Why the hell did you:

    1.) Joint the whole board if you cut it up anyways later?
    2.) remove the guard on the jointer and keep your hand in such a dangerous position?
    3.) push the board along the parallel fence if you have a formatting saw?

    Also why would you use that tiny square to check a board that is like 10 times its size?

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