Dewalt Thickness Planer: An UNSPONSORED Woodworking Tool Review

Dewalt Thickness Planer: An UNSPONSORED Woodworking Tool Review

Is the extra half inch of the DeWalt 735 really worth the money? Well, if you’re only looking at size, then really… No. But there’s so much more See my honest, UNBIASED and UNSPONSORED review of each of these woodworking tools, including advantages of each. #woodworking #woodworkingtools

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DeWalt 12.5 Inch Thickness Planer (DW734) –
DeWalt 13 Inch Thickness Planer (DW735) –

00:00 Introduction
01:28 Similarities Between the 734 & 735
03:23 Differences Between the Dewalt 734 vs 735
07:15 Stress Test Using Pine & Walnut
09:33 Final Thoughts


  1. Your opinion on the absence of DIY Table Radial Arm Saws ? They seem to be a much better choice than a simple Table Saw. It makes no sense IMO as to why they seem there is no one selling new ones except for ones costing $3500 plus. Not mention there is only one U S Manufacturer that makes them. When Dewalt invented the Radial Arm Saw in the late 1930s their use helped win WWII. Sears (Craftsman) even no longer makes and sells one.

  2. I have a small shop and just don’t have the floor space to build another cart for permanent mounting. I need a planer that I can store under my workbench and grab when I need it. I really want the 735 but the 92 lbs seems unmanageable for my 60yo back. The 734 isn’t much better at 86 lbs. Any input on moving these two units?

  3. I bought my 734 many years ago, before the 735 had even come out. I’ve had absolutely no problems with it. When the 735 came out it did pique my interest but I didn’t pull the trigger right away. I’m glad I didn’t get it. My buddy bought the 735 and so I had a chance to actually try it out. Nothing about it made me want to get rid of my trusty old 734 and "upgrade" to the newer model.
    The manual carriage lock isn’t a problem. When you use it for as long as I have you don’t even realize that you’re doing it as it becomes becomes second nature.
    As for the finish… it just means that I’ll be doing a "little bit" more sanding. Again, it is just second nature. It doesn’t mean I’m losing hours upon hours with the "extra" sanding.
    I connect the dust port to my old mobile 1hp Delta dust collector and have no mess to clean up once I’m done. All I do is empty the bag when it gets full.
    My one and only complaint – if you want to call it that – is snipe. But this is easily fixed by running my boards butted up to each other as I’m putting them through the planer.
    I’m generally planing my boards to 3/4" and the auto stop is very precise.
    All around, my 734 has served me well over the years and continues to do so. I cannot find any reason whatsoever to make me put out $800 to upgrade. If my 734 broke down then I would have no choice but to go to the 735 but I don’t see that happening any time soon.

    Thanks for the great video… you have another sub. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  4. still using my 30 year old Ryobi 14 amp 12 inch planer. I like the Dewalt manual lock thing and even more the two speed drive. Ryobi replacement blades are cheap and easy to change, it is all steel and heavy but made to carry with one hand. A good thickness planer can salvage a lot of questionable wood and is great fun to use.

  5. I have owned a 735 for 15 years. I run approximately 100 – 150 bd feet a month never had a problem with it converted to helix heads a while back and have no regrets.

  6. Southpaw provided facts nothing but the facts and better presentation in my view in explaining and providing wood planner product information for a beginer. He presented facts not alot of showmenship salemanship type hype presentation like so many others on u-tube thus I will be seeking Southpaw as a reliable source from now on. He sold me on the DE-Walt 735X planner which I will be sav ing my money to to buy soon. Thanks Southpaw!

  7. Not just saying,,, but this is by far the best video demonstration of these two models I have seen. Congrats! Giving u a thumbs up ๐Ÿ‘ & subscription. Thanks!

  8. Iโ€™ve. Been wood working for almost 50 years and I can honestly say that anything dewalt especially the planers are junk!

  9. What’s up with the clickbait title? This was a favorable review for 735 and title says "don’t waste your money"….showing the 735…I have owned 2 of them over the years as either main or back up planers and used a few more in other’s shops. They are the best in class. The reason you were getting dust/chips coming out the front of the 735 is because there is an internal chip blower and the dust collection hooked up in this video was not adequate. Shop vac sized hose and pressure/CFM doesn’t cut it for planer dust collection. 4" (+) hose with decent CFM and there will be no chips.

  10. I just upgraded my 734 with a helical head from MyWoodCutters and it’s a dream! Also works with the 733. MyWoodCutters has retrofit helical heads for many brands/models.

  11. What if the boards aren’t flat or bowed, will it plan the cut surface flat and not follow the bow etc of the rough unplanned side?

  12. Thank you so much for your time in creating this content. I am new to woodworking, need a planer, and have been considering these two but needed an honest take on them. I can now feel confident in pulling the trigger.

  13. great content thank you. I believe also (correct me if I’m wrong) the 735 comes with a 3-cutter head whereas the 734 comes with a 2-cutter head. I could be wrong (i own a 735x not a 734). but i seem to remember that being part of my deciding factor

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