1. The fact that such a dangerous video with 0 warning of how deadly it is is still up.
    And from Insider no less.
    YouTube is an absolute joke.

  2. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS. DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!! NEVER TRY IT!! IT’S 2000 volts, 20 times electricity needed to kill you in an instant. ONE TOUCH to the surface of the wood/clip/table/equipment WILL KILL YOU. AGAIN, DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!

  3. Holy crap. Do you idiots go to skydiving videos and tell them not to jump because its dangerous?
    Or how about cliff diving videos.
    This is perfectly safe when used correctly but most of these idiots only regurgitate crap they seen from warning videos.
    Try it out and be safe. Its really alot of fun. Dont listen to the people who never do anything, they’re basically cowards at heart.


    HOPE SOMEONES FAMILY SUES. Because if someone dies the family could sue insider for not including that information

  5. Stuck some gator clips to a piece of wood
    Thought those lichtenburg fractals sure looked good
    I saw it on Insider
    Woah, woah, woah
    I’m on fire

  6. wow i tried this, the outcomes was a really shocking.

    to my internal organs and my Heart. (Btw I didnt actually try this btw im not an idiot)

  7. So many comments in here whinging about safety, none of you have any common sense at all, and neither did the people who died doing this

  8. Y’all calm down. Yes a "do not do this at home" warning with explanations would be a good thing to add, but insider is not giving step by step instructions or even saying people should do it. They are reporting on the art form. Plenty of things are deadly in the hands of UNTRAINED professionals, that doesn’t mean we censor it from our world. Swordsmanship exhibitions, knife throwing, messing with large animals, even tiktok challenges can be deadly but those of us with common sense watch from a distance and those without it… don’t. And suffer the consequences. That isn’t the fault of a journalist, their job is just to talk about the world.

  9. YouTube, get RID of these extremely dangerous and STUPID videos, IF you have any morals, OR conscience…

    Judging by the number of videos STILL on here, I very much DOUBT you lot HAVE a conscience, OR a brain in your collective STUPID heads….😡

    Very irresponsible that Insider did not put a warning on this video

  11. For all the people saying this is dangerous, we know already! But guess what, anyone who has an genuine interest in trying this is going to do it regardless of the risks. So time would be better spent talking about safety practices like installing dead man and emergency stop systems to the batteries and using rubber mats. Also if we avoided everything that had the potential to do us harm, even deadly harm, that would mean we’d have to stop driving cars, and eating solid foods, and taking showers.

  12. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS. DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!!! NEVER TRY IT!! IT’S 2000 volts, 20 times electricity needed to kill you in an instant. ONE TOUCH to the surface of the wood/clip/table/equipment WILL KILL YOU. AGAIN, DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!

  13. It’s beautiful, I’d like to have those cabinets. Watching this video never inspired me to electrocute wood, so y’all need to calm down. Obviously this is being done by professionals. A lot more "dangerous" videos to watch on the internet.

  14. So after many people reporting on this video it’s still nit taken down? Great job, YouTube 🫤

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