Helping You Make Wood Work : Episode 1 – Basic Furniture Design

Helping You Make Wood Work : Episode 1 – Basic Furniture Design

In Episode 1 of our new series Helping You Make Wood Work®, fine furniture maker Chad Stanton walks us through the 4 rules of good design with both good and bad examples of pieces he has made in the past. He talks about building with plans, and how to figure out your own plans if you only have a photo and creating new designs from scratch.

Using an occasional table he is building, Chad will take us through all the steps of designing a piece, tweaking the design, deciding on materials and hardware.

Future episodes include preparing your materials, a deep dive into what joinery to use, when and how to make it, sanding, finishing tips and techniques, and much more!

Be sure to like, subscribe, and let us know what you want to see in future episodes.

To download the furniture height chart mentioned in the video hop on over to

For more Chad Stanton head to

For more Woodcraft head to

#woodworking #furnituredesign #finefurniture


  1. Throughly enjoyed this video. Just the right length of time and extremely, for me, informative. Keep ’em coming.

  2. Woodcraft folks, thanks for sponsoring this series. Chad is a wonderful teacher and his experience and practical knowledge is a wealth of good information. I’m looking forward to this series as I’ve been wanting to move more into the design of my own pieces instead of just reproducing other people’s plans for my projects.

  3. Very nice video on furniture design . I still have one of my first and still favorite books written by Norm, measure twice cut once.

  4. AWESOME! Excellent introduction to the new series, Chad! Great information for the novice and even better reminders for those who need "refreshers." Looking forward to the entire series!

  5. I’m making my own small vintage cabinet with drawers but it’s taken me months and still I have so much work to do
    I lack the proper tools and machines to do it easily, correctly and fast. It’s a nightmare, I felt like giving up several times

  6. OUTSTANDING! This is an excellent start to your new series. Chad did a fantastic job explaining the basics on designing furniture. I’m anxiously waiting for the future episodes. Thanks.

  7. Very enjoyable Chad. Great info. It would be great if Woodcraft extended this series beyond 4 episodes. Keep up the good work. BTW, although I do miss Safety Dan, I’m glad they don’t have you dancing at the end. (I couldn’t resist).

  8. Thank you Chad and Woodcraft! You guys all did an amazing job on this video and it was packed full of information. Looking forward to the next one!

  9. Very nice video. Clear, concise, professional and a joy to watch. I hope Woodcraft continues to sponsor Chad’s videos.

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