Jointers For Beginners – Use Tips, Tricks, Buying Advice and Safety

Jointers For Beginners – Use Tips, Tricks, Buying Advice and Safety

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Today we do a comprehensive walkthrough of using your Jointer, Safety, Tips, Tricks and Buying Advice. This is a great video if you’ve never used a jointer or just want to brush up on your skills.

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Intro 0:00
How a Jointer Works 0:39
Safety Rules 3:17
Rabbet Ledge 5:10
Setting Cutter Head/Outfeed Height 6:55
Jointing Boards Wider than your Jointer 7:50
Jointer Material Size Guidelines 9:13
Buying Advice 9:56
Get Tight Glue Ups/My Favorite Jointer Tip/Trick 13:40
Final Thoughts 14:27
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  1. Great video! I love my jointer. I’m in New Zealand so it’s 240 volts, and it’s 15 amps. 12 inches wide, spiral cutterhead, and it’s a combination jointer and planer. It’s actually really quick to convert between modes. And in a smaller shop (6 x 10 metres), it’s the way to go.

  2. 14:31 ummm no… it’s a rotating blade barely sticking up past the table, ALWAYS with a guard over it. The table saw has (usually) an open blade with no guard. It also has a fence that can pinch a piece and throw it at you. I would also say the scroll saw is more dangerous and the miter saw is more dangerous. Don’t wear loose fitting clothing that can drop into the blade. Router table also scarier… blade sticking up that your fingers are always close to.

  3. Totally understand the point of avoiding bench top planers. Right now I only do smaller projects. But my question is do you think bench top are easier to learn on, or would you consider a beefier, well tuned larger jointer to be safer? I’m just terrified lol

  4. Bummer on the don’t buy a bench top joiner. I just bought an 8” Wahuda lol. Not issues with used but don’t have space for a floor unit. Guess I’ll suffer through. 😆

  5. A neighbour of mine lost the top of his middle finger in a jointer. When he rang his wife from the hospital she said “Oh my God, is it the whole finger? To which he replied “No it is the one next to it.”

  6. Been safely woodworking for thirty four years never even listened to what Johnathan was saying in the video I was just reading all these comments and replies. First of all I believe it’s good to start out with common sense you can’t just jump into something and be in 100% control without experience. A lot of these comments talk about accidents like it’s some kind of accomplishment some people just need to stay away from potentially dangerous machinery.

  7. I am a brand new woodworker and I don’t understand why you can’t just turn the board around when you are jointing a board that is wider than the jointer blade.

  8. I respect my joiner, but fear my shaper. The "router bit" is 6" diam, 2" tall, spins 3.000 rpm from a 4hp motor. This thing don’t cut your finger. It rip your arm off if you don’t fear it.

  9. Hey Jonathan, thanks for the video. Quick question, does your dewalt planer snipe your boards? I noticed in your videos you tend to run a piece that is cut to length right through it without the worry of snipe.


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  11. Try calibrating the Rikon 20-800h. Your setting is on easy mode with this thing. I still don’t have it calibrated.

  12. hi i completely destroyed one of my fingers with a jointer like that about 4 years ago. Too bad this video was not sooner. Thank you.

  13. What wax do you use for your jointer I recently got an old jointer with a pretty rusty surface that I’m cleaning up but I would like to know what wax would be good for it

  14. Great video. Only problem for me is I dont have the room for a big jointer, so I opted for the 10" Cutech jointer. With the extension rods it hits 54" in length. Saw a video that put some melamine panels to cover the gaps resting on those rails so will do that soon. With rollers I am hoping to joint 8ft stiles for some "simple" interior doors. Few folks elsewhere said it’s possible but not as easy as a longer jointer bed. I dont have much choice as I have limited space that has to share with miter, TS, planer and router tables, as well as festool vac setup. Wish I could get a bigger on though!

  15. 8:25 do you have to glue the plywood to the jointed side of the board or would it be fine to go in just resting on top of it

  16. After watching this vid I used the 8" jointer for the first time today. I always worked w rough sawn wood in my bandsaw shopa. Thank you for the tips I’ll be making fine furniture in no time!

  17. "The fact you are terrified makes you respect it." Ill disagree to a point with you on that. If you are terrified of a particular tool or piece of equipment , that in my experience has led to more accidents as that person is so scared of it, they do not operate it correctly in the 1st place. Instead, totally respect that tool. Even down to the simplest pair of pliers or jig saw. Thats how my dad taught me, thats the way the Army taught me , and thats the way I taught my soldiers to do. And I never once had an accident on my watch, and I had heavy equipment platoons.

    Also, your comment about table top planers. I took that part in disrespecting a fair amount of us. Sometimes we can’t afford even that $600 planer. Or more specifically, we don’t have the luxury of having a nice big shop for a big planer like yours and we have to make do with the hand we’re dealt. Please weigh your words more carefully the next time.

    Even though you had great content, your table top comment will not give you a thumb’s up.

  18. I dont think this is for a beginner which I am.
    Whats it for? How is this used in relation to a planer? Etc?

  19. The european bridge type guards are just so much more securing than the american version ones. I am in first year woodworking apprenticeship in Switzerland and the first machine I used is the jointer, because in Europe the jointers are not considered as dangerous tools with these better guards we use.

  20. Great video bro… I don’t understand why there are some videos saying the cutter head should be slightly higher than the outfeed table…… makes no sense whatsoever

  21. Thanks. I just bought a 6" one since I haven’t done much large stuff. Hopefully it wasn’t a mistake. And…I subscribed to your channel. Thanks again.

  22. I rarely see a jointer available within 100 miles of me that’s 8" and when I do it’s a lot more than I’m willing to spend. A 6" would suit my needs perfectly because I rarely use any lumber wider than that and I’m just a hobbyist. Most of the ones around here are 6" Delta’s, Craftsman and Sprunger with the occasional 4" Montgomery Ward’s "Powr-Kraft". There’s an ancient Oliver 6" not too far from me that needs a good restoration but I won’t get it because he has no price on the thing and wants an offer made. I have no idea what one would be worth and so I’ll just sit and watch. If he ever puts a price on it I’ll decide whether I want to buy it or not.

  23. Thank you, this was immensly helpful! To clarify: you advice buying a heavy big used jointer? I live in Sweden. Are there any particular brands or machines to avoid? I have watched several videos on jointers and planers. I understand the difference now. Do you think it’s also best for me to use a heavy big used planer? What kinds of prices are we looking at here? €1.000 per machine?

  24. I really wanted a 8" Jointer but it was slightly out of budget and space is tight in my shop. Instead of wishing I had an 8" Jointer I got a cheap small 6" Jointer for under half the price and can do 90% of what I would do with an 8". Im a huge proponent of buy once cry once but sometimes you need to try once first, the tools we want are not always the tools we need. I would love to have an 8 or 10" Jointer but I am in no rush to upgrade now that I have a jointer.

  25. when I go to do some work in my workshop I always take a minute to sit down and relax before I start anything, It gives a minute to realize how dangerous that place is and how quickly my day can go bad.

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