Moving Our Workshop to Perth, Ontario – Home Improvement Woodworking

Moving Our Workshop to Perth, Ontario – Home Improvement Woodworking

After searching for over a year, we found a wonderful place to relocate our workshop – the Town of Perth @townofperth9960

We shut down our furniture restoration business while we pack, move, and setup our workshop in a new small town. Scott shares the experience of setting up two new workshop spaces in our Victorian home while waiting to plan a large workshop. See a bit of our town and the design inspiration for the workshop where we film videos for our @FixingFurniture YouTube channel.

– Our Victorian House Tour
– Easy Build Wall Cabinets
– Cabinet for Organizer Boxes
– Workshop Organization

– Book – The Workshop Book –

Note: purchases made with these links help contribute to our video production work

00:00 Moving Our Workshop to Perth, Ontario
01:53 Packing up the Workshop
05:24 Future Workshop Space
07:07 Basement Workshop Space Setup
09:20 Miter Saw Station Setup
11:57 Design Inspiration from the Walls of @CouttsCoffee
13:37 Floor Problems
16:14 Building the Handtool Room
22:03 Furniture Plan for Machine Room Workshop
28:53 Installing the Wall Tool Cabinet

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See the tools we use in our workshop and the tools we recommend:
šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ Canadian link –

For more woodworking knowledge or to contact us directly, visit our website Hosted by Scott Bennett, owner of Wooden It Be Nice Inc. in Perth, Ontario, Canada.

#workshop #woodenitbenice #perth


  1. Very interesting. UK viewer here. I wondered if you have full structural surveys as part of your house buying process?

  2. Mike Haduck Masonry Youtube channel is a longtime creator for over a decade and contains a treasure trove of knowledge; probably no masonry subject exists that he has not posted a video about. Painted stonework and brickwork can have problems depending what it’s painted with. If the stone and mortar can’t breathe, it rots, and the lime mortar crumbles, as will bricks. Old school masonry painting was done with lime wash. Modern latex paints are extremely damaging to masonry. Thank you for the videos, I look forward to watching your progress!

  3. Scott: I was mesmerized with this video. You and your wife have a lot to do, but it will be so worthwhile. Iā€™m so happy for both of you. I look forward to following you both on this journey.
    I loved the house when you showed us on an earlier video. If my memory serves me correctly, you showed us a wonderful attic space. Have you decided on what that might look like in the future? Carol from California

  4. Great episode! I’m excited to see the transformation of your beautiful home. Welcome to beautiful Perth, Ontario

  5. I put dricore on my rough concrete floor and varnished it. It’s made a big difference to not only the temperature but moving things around and foot comfort. Just a thought.

  6. Hahaha! I loved Hometime! Also, loved This Old House and New Yankee Workshop! Now I love yours!
    Thank you. Beautiful house!!!!!

  7. That has got to be sooooo satisfying getting a new shop! My dream is a small house (just sold one with way more space than I needed) and a bigger shop. I am no longer the family hotel. But my tools need a good home!

  8. Stove paste is a treatment for cast iron. It’s made of waxes and oils so it might still be good if you have any cast iron fencing, decorative pieces or anything like that that you want to protect.

  9. Getting there Scott, all the best with it both, it would be nice if made a new version of that old cabinet when you are settled in,
    and look forward the other projects on your channels, take care now and all the best with everything !!! Brian UK !!! šŸ˜€šŸ‘!!!.

  10. Selling, buying and moving is always stressful but you bought an amazing house and property that will serve you well for a long time. That garage will be ideal when you get it fixed up and ready to go. Then you can build a pub down in the basement šŸ˜€

  11. I am wondering what is the advantage of screwing directly to the wall vs using a french cleat system? BTW, excellent video.

  12. Congratulations on your move to Perth. It’s a lovely town. You mentioned designing your outdoor shop. I’d love to see how you do that as I’m going to be setting up my new shop this spring and could use some pointers šŸ™‚

  13. That is going to be a great workshop space, your mitre saw seems a little high, hope all goes well with the new shop, best regards from Australia, Les

  14. Very much enjoyed your video. Always on the lookout for old home restorations. My wife and I have a much newer home, built in 1902 double brick single storey. No cellar/ basement to contend with.
    Looking forward to your journey. Regards

  15. @HomeImprovementWoodworking thanks for sharing Scott. You certainly have your work cut out for you. I’m seriously concerned that you found pieces of knob and tube wiring. It was very common in those old homes. They are no longer used because they are a fire hazard. I hope you had an electrician inspect everything.
    I had a few neighbors with damp basements. You are correct in saying gutters will help. I highly recommend seamless gutters. Unfortunately, you may need to pull the dirt back, install a french drain, install a special plastic drainage wall wrap (I forget what it’s called but it looks similar to the subflooring…but comes in rolls).
    I look forward to learning from this channel too. The shelf and tin are very cool finds! I look forward to seeing the restoration over on fixing furniture.

  16. Congrats to you and your wife Scott! My wife and I moved to White Lake about a year ago (about an hour north of Perth), in part so that I could have a bigger shop, and weā€™ve loved every minute of it. Good luck, and I look forward to following your journey!

  17. Iā€™ve been watching Sean of Seanā€™s World where heā€™s renovating a stone cottage in France and heā€™s had a lot of videos on getting the walls structurally sound. Heā€™d be a valuable resource. The pointing gives the wall stability so the fact yours is crumbling indicates it needs to be replaced. Using lime mortar is vital as it breathes and doesnā€™t trap moisture which can be extremely damaging. Modern paints will do the same. Using traditional materials and techniques on old walls is important – just like it is for furniture! Iā€™m really looking forward to seeing all your future projects.

  18. Congrats on the move. Re planning: I think you want to leave 3 ft in front of the electrical panel IIRC, there is something in the code about that. As far as the moisture, gutters and long eaves to direct the water far away from the house are probably a good idea, but proper grading of the lawn around the house is huge as well. You might wind up needing to install French drains and/or a sump, I guess you’ll have to see where the ingress is in the spring. Looking forward to seeing your outdoor shop too. I would be tempted to make the door to that back room a little bigger while I was setting it up. Good luck with it!

  19. Very exciting stuff. In 2015 I converted a car garage of similar size into a woodworking shop. Made sure roof was good then had spray foam done between studs including underside of roof. I put up 19mm plywood over that, painted with white primer, allows for screwing almost anything to walls and reflects light from LED fixtures well. Easily heated (in Winnipeg) with 6000 watt electric heater. Had started out with pellet stove but that was a disaster.

  20. I love the new series. Best of luck to you and your wife, Scott. The new place has so many possibilities. I think you’re going to love the garage once you get that set up.

  21. The stove paste is for the outside of a wood stove. Loved the video today! Itā€™s really awesome that you can make the garage into a workshop in the future. You deserve a nice space.

  22. wow you got your work cut out for you on this new home…. hope you dont run into a snag thats too expensive to fix…welcome home!!!!!

  23. checkout @MikeHaduck to learn about masonry. he understands the difficulties of masonry for being in the north. please post more of ur home/shop improvement progress

  24. Congratulations on the move! I’m watching the series with a lot of interest, since my wife and I just bought a 1906 brick farmhouse in December. We’re in Kinburn, about a hour away from Perth. My own shop is slowly starting to take shape, so I’m eager to see what you do with your space!

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