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Wood Work for Humans Tool List (affiliate):
Gyokucho Ryoba Saw: https://amzn.to/2Z5Wmda
Dewalt Panel Saw: https://amzn.to/2HJqGmO
Suizan Dozuki Handsaw: https://amzn.to/3abRyXB
(Winner of the affordable dovetail-saw shootout.)
Spear and Jackson Tenon Saw: https://amzn.to/2zykhs6
(Needs tune-up to work well.)
Crown Tenon Saw: https://amzn.to/3l89Dut
(Works out of the box)
Carving Knife: https://amzn.to/2DkbsnM
Narex True Imperial Chisels: https://amzn.to/2EX4xls
(My favorite affordable new chisels.)
Blue-Handled Marples Chisels: https://amzn.to/2tVJARY
(I use these to make the DIY specialty planes, but I also like them for general work.)
Honing Guide: https://amzn.to/2TaJEZM
Norton Coarse/Fine Oil Stone: https://amzn.to/36seh2m
Natural Arkansas Fine Oil Stone: https://amzn.to/3irDQmq
Green buffing compound: https://amzn.to/2XuUBE2
*Marking and Measuring*
Stockman Knife: https://amzn.to/2Pp4bWP
(For marking and the built-in awl).
Speed Square: https://amzn.to/3gSi6jK
Stanley Marking Knife: https://amzn.to/2Ewrxo3
(Excellent, inexpensive marking knife.)
Blue Kreg measuring jig: https://amzn.to/2QTnKYd
Round-head Protractor: https://amzn.to/37fJ6oz
Forstener Bits: https://amzn.to/3jpBgPl
Spade Bits: https://amzn.to/2U5kvML
Orange F Clamps: https://amzn.to/2u3tp4X
Screw Clamp: https://amzn.to/3gCa5i8
#woodworking #woodworkingtips #diy #tooltips
I have almost that same knife, just got ot yesterday, and came across this vidio by chance, what a coinsedance
I carry a Kershaw Iridium nowadays
My dad still carries an old timer
There are significantly better knives then those old old-timers, but if you like it, keep chugging
Beats a nasty Gerber paraframe every day of the week!
I have that exact model, I love that thing.
Im not a knife guy in any capacity, so someone please explain to my retarded ass what a bevel is
That’s what he said 😂
Thanks to my granddaddy I’ve got a ziploc bag full of these pocket knives from the 70s-80s
I use my Victorinox pocket knife as a marking knife all the time. When you angle it a bit, one of the bevels becomes vertical, so there is no problem with that.
I still have mine from when I was a kid when they used to make them with carbon steel
They fall out of my pocket. That’s why I use a knife with a clip.
My grandpa used to have one like that
Wait, when he put that little thing inside his pocket, did an inventory sound play?.
Hey I have one of those
Cool knife
Any chance you know where to buy one in your style?
I did that last move when I was a kid and that was how I first ever closed the blade on myself
That’s not a woodworking tool. It’s an essential life tool
Is that a buck 301?
This video overwhelms my heart and soul with joy. My papa had a few of these, and I’m glad I can pass it down yet again, as he did to me. The man who casually forgot more than I could ever know, Papa Jerry would love these videos.
Case brand knives are some of the best slip joint knives you can buy, they have so many different sizes and options i think everyone should have at least one
I have the exact same knife😂😂😂😂
Is the old timer an original or new
Wait till you find out there’s an even smaller version
I have to give a shout out to opinel. They’re cheap enough that I have three, so i’m never without one. Open boxes, marking, cutting food while at work, finishing a saw cut when you don’t have a plane near you. And they lock both open and closed. Just dab some mineral oil in the hinge and keep them sharp.
I gave my wife one, she loves it. My kids will get their own ones when they’re old enough.
I ligit got the same knife right next me😂😂😂
… so a knife
My old timer was the first ever knife I was bought back when I was 13 me and my family were at a pawn shop
My grandfather left me that same knife asking with some other tools.
I found one of those from sheffield. They call it the stockman. I use it as a pipe tool lmao.
I have had a Swiss army knife for a few years now and I have done most of my wood carving with nothing but that. It’s incredible how useful those things can be. It’ll probably outlive me and I’m not even old enough to drink.
i was just scrolling and found you having the same exect old timer knife as me lol
That was good, I guess.
Buy a case they hold a edge better
The “Marking blade” is actually meant for chopping the balls of of bulls. I do see why it would be useful for marking.
Catchy headline! Remember in shorts your along side thumbnails of girls with their skirt half up and “ if you laugh you restart”. Why do they say that? They restart automatically
I’m using Victorinox camping knife Super Tinker, but I mainly use its screwdriver, but I’m in Europe.
yoo i have the same one
Whereas I like my old timer because it’s a fairly decent quality budget knife that was actually designed with people who actually use them for a wide variety of tasks in mind. That’s depressingly rare with a lot of modern knife designs.
In Australia you would be arrested n probably get a fine for carrying one of those
I have that
I got a simlar one, with mother of pearl inlay. I wanted this exact blade so i paid $25 for it but its probably not worth more than $15 bucks.
And a kershaw i got for $10 at walmart is worth at least $25 to me 😂
i saw Kershaw for 10 bucks and i thought it was a mistake but i came back a week later and it was still being sold
This man needs a spyderco
Hold your knife at the angle you hold it to sharpen and it’s a perfect marking knife.
What’s wrong with double bevel
I always have a folding knife on me, but it HAS to have a pocket clip and it HAS to lock open and it CANNOT require me to put my finger under the blade to disengage the lock, and it WILL NOT be made in China … so I have Benchmades. Love em. 🙂 Amazing how many times a day we need knives. Definitely a tool I don’t require to be cheap. My box cutter was, though… 🙂
Yep it was always in my dad’s pocket. His prefferd brand. He skinned a bunch of wire as an electrician for the railroad.👷
My grandpa has literally the exact same knife, bevel and all
I have one, the very same, and the blades broken but still just as useful
uses for the spey blade besides the original purpose?
milwaukee fastback. replaceable blades means you never have to sharpen it.